Alright, so I don't know about all of you, but my diaper bag is like the black hole.
Once in a while, I'll get so grossed out by the half eaten fruit snack stuck to my debit card that I'll dump the entire bag on the floor and start fresh -organizing as best as I know how.
...Then 4 hours later, it's back to where I started.
Maybe it's just me, but I have a feeling that everyone has this problem to some degree
-though probably few to MY degree...
b/c let's be honest here, me and my kids tend to be a bit disgusting...
Just for fun-I'd like to share a story about the contents of my diaper bag...
To set the scene:
I get to stand in front of an entire congregation at church every Sunday, "leading" the music (not that I really know how..)
A short while back, while I was "leading" a song and my husband was wrestling a baby, I looked down at my 3 year old to see him waving an open tampon as high as he could reach- trying to also "lead" the congregation in song. :)
Needless to say-it was awesome.
BUT-If I'd have had this amazing file folder system for my diaper bag that day, I'm certain he would have found something else more fitting to lead with...;)
Now, everything having to do with my bag is so much easier and things run a lot smoother!
What it is, is a file folder system FOR YOUR BAG.
It's genious!
Here's what they have to say about it, in much better words than I ever could:
The Files set comes with five beautifully designed bags. We did extensive market research to ensure they fit perfectly in most diaper bags on the market. Each File has an easy-to-identify tab on top, which makes it easy to pack and carry all of your baby and toddler gear in a well-organized and intuitive system.
All of the Files stay organized by snapping together with our innovative, patent-pending hook-and-ring system. Use the entire set, or grab a couple Files, and clip them together to carry with you or stash under the stroller for quick trips!
All of the Files stay organized by snapping together with our innovative, patent-pending hook-and-ring system. Use the entire set, or grab a couple Files, and clip them together to carry with you or stash under the stroller for quick trips!
The set comes with the following Files:
Each File has a different inspirational and surprising saying inside, such as This is Your Story and You Change More Than Diapers. Because who can't use a little inspiration?
We’ve even included a comprehensive, mom-tested and mom-approved packing list. We know that every mom can use a little extra help getting out the door some days.
We’ve even included a comprehensive, mom-tested and mom-approved packing list. We know that every mom can use a little extra help getting out the door some days.
And now, because I can see at a glance, what I have in every necessary category:
-I'm rarely ever "that girl who always shows up to a play date without bringing a diaper"
(yes, I read a rude comment referring to that on facebook recently-aren't we all on the same mom team? why so snippy?!)
-I always have the snacks I need, because I don't have to just assume there are some unopened fruit snacks somewhere in the bottom of the bag.
-I can find my hand sanitizer as fast as my toddler can find a chewed up piece of gum on the ground.
-No longer are my husband and kids waiting impatiently while I hunt for the keys "I know I put them in here somewhere"
-When there's an angry booger hanging down to the lip of a child, I can find and grab a Kleenex before anyone else notices it!
It truly has been a life changer.
Which seems dumb to say about a bag accessory,
but this is FAR more than an accessory,
in fact, for me-it's become a necessity!
Look how magic it is!
It turned this:
Into this:
I've found a little bit of a different way to use it too.
Because I have so many different places I go.
And because I have such a different combination of which kids are with me at what point and time.
Or if I am out without the kids all together.
I used to have several different bags I would use.
-One for church
-One for "me/adult" time
-One for all necessities in case of an accident
-One for everyday
Usually all of these were cluttering up my van, and I'd end up going somewhere with the wrong bag, or with my wallet locked in the van in a different bag and it caused a lot of confusion and inconvenience... but what I do now,
is this:
If I am going somewhere by myself, I get to ditch all of the kid necessities in the car and take whatever I want with me, in my ONE BAG. And the switch is super fast and simple.
Then after I pick up the kids and we are going on an outing, I snag the other files and toss them in my bag.
It makes life so much easier, therefore making it better!
I am certain that the next thing I need is the Car-Go System by the same company.
I think this company is so amazing and the products they have come up with are so in tune with what a busy mommy needs!
It's a definite-
**Because my bag is so cute that I'm sure you'll want to know what it is: Its an Emily
Sloan (Seattle) My mom & sister found it for me at TJMaxx :) thankyouverymuch.**
*I was provided this product for the purpose of review, my opinions are honest and solely mine. I received no monetary compensation for this review*
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